Children in Zambia

Players of People’s Postcode Lottery are helping to transform young lives around the world

Support of players is giving children such as Failo hope for a better future.

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With the support of players of People’s Postcode Lottery, we are helping to give a brighter future to hungry children around the world.

The generosity of players is ensuring that thousands of hungry children receive a life-changing meal every day for a whole school year.

Zambia is just one country where Mary’s Meals is making a big difference thanks to player support.


Failo is one of seven children. His village is situated on a plain surrounded by tree-topped hills. Like the vast majority of villages in the Chipata district of Zambia, there is no electricity.

His family’s home is made from mud bricks with a corrugated iron roof and doesn’t feature any windows.

Failo, 11, is focused on getting an education and looks forward to getting to school where he receives Mary’s Meals, often his first meal of the day.

He hopes one day to follow in the footsteps of the Mary’s Meals’ school feeding officer who visits his school to ensure the smooth running of the programme.

Outside of school, Failo helps his family with chores around the house and is also responsible for looking after the family’s livestock.

He says: “Mary’s Meals is helping because when I eat at school, I am able to concentrate. I don’t have anything to eat in the morning before coming to school. We depend on the porridge.”

The promise of a daily meal from Mary’s Meals attracts impoverished children like Failo to the classroom, where they can gain an education which can help them escape poverty in later life.

Since 2015, players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised more than £4.8 million for Mary’s Meals.

Funding will allow Mary’s Meals to attract more children into the classroom, giving them the energy to learn and hope for a better future.

Just £19.15 feeds a child for a whole school year.