Double The Love

Twin sisters in India hugging

Double The Love

Thank you so much for your support helping to feed hungry children across the world.

It costs just £19.15 to feed a child for a whole school year, so a donation of any amount will go a long way!

Double your love for Mary’s Meals this winter!   

From 22 November 2023 to 31 January 2024, donations made to Mary’s Meals will be doubled by a group of generous supporters, up to £1.1 million.  

This means your kindness will go even further at this critical time. In a world devastated by conflict, food insecurity and the cost of living crisis, bringing new hope to desperately hungry children with our life-changing school meals has never been more important.  

It costs just £19.15 to feed a child with Mary's Meals every day for a school year. And this winter, a donation of £19.15 will feed two children.

Thank you for helping us to reach more than 2.4 million children around the world with Mary’s Meals every school day, so that they can achieve their ambitions and look towards a brighter future. 

Together, through Double The Love, we can transform the lives of many more desperately hungry children waiting for Mary’s Meals. 

Marys Meals In Kenya

How Double The Love feeds more children

Mug infographic

Make a donation to Mary's Meals

Mug infographic

Your donation is matched by a group of generous donors

Mug infographic

More children will be served life-changing school meals

Regular giving during Double The Love

If you choose to set up a regular gift before 31 January 2024, then your first two donations to Mary’s Meals will be doubled.  

And if you are already a regular giver, any increase to your gift made during our Double The Love campaign will also be matched for two payments!  

To increase your Direct Debit or recurring card payment, please contact us on 0800 698 1212 or at To increase your standing order, please contact your bank. 

Childen enjoying Marys Meals in Ethiopia


"The phala (porridge) helps me to not feel hungry. It gives me energy. I am able to concentrate fully and be attentive in class because my stomach is full."

Susan, from Malawi

Susan, child from Malawi looking to camera smiling holding blue mug

It costs just £19.15 to feed a child for a whole year.  

This winter, the same donation will feed two children

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find out more about how Double The Love works by reading our FAQs

What is Double The Love and how does it work? 

For a two month period (from 22 November 2023 to 31 January 2024), donations made to Mary’s Meals will be doubled thanks to a group of generous supporters, up to £1.1 million.  

You can donate in a range of ways or by setting up a regular gift during the campaign period – meaning we can reach even more hungry children with a nutritious meal at school.  

Does this match funding apply to all donations? 

All monetary donations raised between 22 November 2023 and 31 January 2024 will be doubled, except for: 

  • Donations already pledged, for example existing regular gifts or expected grants. 
  • Legacy donations. 
  • Certain items purchased from our online shop (see below). 
  • New donations from trusts and foundations, unless Double The Love is cited as a motivating factor.  

Will funds raised through items bought in your online shop be doubled? 

Funds raised through gift cards, digital gift cards, and our range of life-changing digital gifts will be doubled. 

Other items bought in our online shop – such as Christmas cards and T-shirts – are not eligible for match funding. 
Will my regular gift be doubled? 

Existing regular gifts will not be doubled but any increase made to existing regular gifts until 31 January 2024 will also be doubled for the first two payments. 

The first two payments of every new regular gift set up until 31 January 2024 will be doubled.  
Will donations to my Sponsor A School project be doubled? 

Yes, any donation made towards the fundraising goal will be doubled. However, the matched amount will be allocated to our Double The Love campaign – not the school that you sponsor. This will help to feed even more hungry children across the 17 countries that we work in. 

Can you claim Gift Aid during the Double The Love campaign? 

We can claim Gift Aid on donations made during our Double The Love campaign, so please complete our form. However, the Gift Aid amount cannot be doubled.  

Can funds I raise before 22 November 2023, but haven’t yet donated, be doubled? 

To be eligible for match funding, all funds must be raised between 22 November 2023 and 31 January 2024. 

Do I need to make my donation by 22 January 2024? 

Funds must be received by Mary’s Meals by 7 February 2024. 

Will donations made through third-party platforms, such as JustGiving, be doubled? 

Yes, these donations will be doubled. 

How will the money be spent? 

Funding raised during Double The Love will allow Mary’s Meals to feed even more hungry children in the world’s poorest countries.  

Who has provided this funding? 

A group of generous supporters have provided this funding to help us grow the Mary’s Meals movement.  


Any further questions? 

Do you have any other questions about the Mary’s Meals Double The Love campaign? 

Get in touch with us on 0800 698 1212 or email